
Every girl that has a Pinterest account is bombarded by cute ways of writing Proverbs 31. Most often, scripty letters reading

“Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised”

are painted perfectly on a “DIY” canvas (that I could never actually do). Don’t get me wrong, I think that it is awesome. I think it is a really cool Bible verse and hope that my life reflects that of a Proverbs 31 woman.

However, I think it is also misinterpreted sometimes. Girls are taught to be fearful of charm, and to not rely on beauty for anything. No, we shouldn’t fawn over any guy that tells us we are pretty or put on extra makeup to try to get our way. BUT, to a certain point, not allowing ourselves to be charmed or admitting we feel pretty on a good hair day, God is a little discredited. It may just be my innate desire to procrastinate my Anatomy (don’t worry, this is Anatomy 2, I passed the first one (barely)), but I think I am onto something.

God charms us, with beautiful things at that. With pretty flowers and sunsets. Walking legs and sunny days. Belly laughs and best friends. They are all His ways of helping us to fall in love with Him. Is that bad? No. If anything, it equips us as Christians to be able to witness to others. Its pretty easy to come up with examples as to how captivating the Lord is when there is orange and pink painted across the sky.

Valentines day brings out a lot of “charm.” Teddy bears, flowers, and chocolates to tell people that they are loved. I am thankful for a God that shows and tells us how much he loves us every second rather than on a designated day. He embraces us in the best and worst, constantly finding ways to whisper comfort. I don’t want this to be yet another post about how being single on Valentines day is awesome because Jesus can be your Valentine, but rather just a quick reminder at how loved, and charmed, you are.

Today, have a happy heart.
Proverbs 15:13 “A happy heart makes a face cheerful.”

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